Hero shot of Accugrow
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Accugrow is a fertilisation detection and management system. A combination of hardware and software enables farmers to reduce their overhead costs as well as prevent environmental pollution from fertiliser runnoff.

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Fertiliser runnoff can lead to environmental catastrophes which can destroy entire ecosystems. The cost of enironmental damage due to pollution and algal blooms is billions yearly. Overfertilisation is common globally and nationally due to current methods of maintaining and monitoring fertilisation levels being either innacurate, expensive or time consuming.

Product Solution

Upon insertion into the ground, accugrow collects regular readings of soil-nitrate levels in order to give the user an in-depth view of the nitrate movement through their soil. The system is sturdy enough to remain in the ground for the entire growth season, and is easy to insert and maintain using standard farming equipment.

Accugrow app

Partnered app

An easy to use app interface transforms quantatitive measurements from Accugrow into easy to read visual representations. Nitrate readings are combined with weather data, soil moisture level and soil type to give concrete advice to the farmer about optimum timing, quantity and type of fertiliser used.

Electronic Prototyping

An electronic prototype was made to showcase the products key functionality. The prototype is comprised of a macrofluidic mixing chamber and optical detection. If you'd like more details on how this product works, get in touch.

Accugrow electronics


Insert into ground

Insert reagent

Monitor results

Remove after harvest

New Designers Exhibition 2022

I was fortunate enough to showcase this project at the New Designers exhibition 2022, representing Loughborough University at the Business Design Centre, Islington. This was a hugely beneficial experience which allowed me to demonstrate my enthusiasm for sustainable design, as well as gain a huge amount of knowledge from both visitors and exhibitors.

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I'd love to tell you more about this project. Get in touch and let's chat!

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